Thursday, January 29, 2009

Warriors: Cats of the Clans: Bluestar


Bluestar, a blue-gray she-cat with blue eyes and a silver-tinged muzzle, is the leader of ThunderClan during most of the Original series. She is responsible for bringing Firestar into ThunderClan, a decision prompted by the alarmingly low number of warriors in her Clan, and the prophecy "fire alone can save our Clan". Bluestar serves as Firestar's mentor during his apprenticeship after a while when Firestar is mentored by the senior warriors and eventually appoints him as her deputy after Tigerstar's exile. She is known as a strong, calm leader who rules over her Clan with a firm but fair paw.

Bluestar fell in love with Oakheart, a RiverClan warrior, during her days as a warrior (when she was named Bluefur, as seen in The Rise of Scourge) and bore three kits. Out of her concern to the Clan, she became Clan deputy, but since she knew the Clan would never accept a queen nursing kits for a deputy, she secretly gave her kits to Oakheart to be raised in RiverClan. Only Mistykit and Stonekit made it to RiverClan however; Mosskit did not survive the journey. Bluestar is able to suppress her feelings regarding her decision until Firestar, seeking to uncover the truth about Tigerstar's deception, causes the issue to be reopened. Her feelings of regret, combined with the shock of discovering her trusted deputy's plan to kill her, cause Bluestar to sink into a manic depression. She remains in this condition throughout the events of Rising Storm and A Dangerous Path, which worsens when the forest fire destroys the ThunderClan camp. She refuses to trust any of her warriors except Fireheart, and declares war on StarClan for dooming her Clan. Her faith is restored in the final moments of A Dangerous Path, when in a dramatic scene she jumps onto the leader of a pack of dogs, causing them to fall over the cliff and into the river. She dies shortly afterward, confiding in Fireheart that he truly was the "fire" that saved the Clan.

Bluestar retains an authoritative role in StarClan during the events of The New Prophecy and Power of Three series. She chooses Brambleclaw as ThunderClan's representative to make the journey to the sun-drown-place (the sea) in Midnight.

She has two children, Mistyfoot and Stonefur, in RiverClan, and is mentioned in Cats of the Clans as having a third, Mosskit, who died young while making the journey to RiverClan with his littermates. Currently Mistyfoot is the deputy of RiverClan, while Stonefur was killed in The Darkest Hour by the will of Tigerstar. Bluestar was mentored by Stonepelt, who is dead by the time of the Original series. After Lionheart's death, she mentors Firestar after a time (see above). She has also mentored Runningwind and Frostfur. Her mother was Moonflower (as said in Secrets of the Clans, Bluepaw Speaks: My First Sight of Fourtrees), and her father was Stormtail. She had a sister named Snowfur. Whitestorm is Snowfur's son, thus making him Bluestar's nephew.

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