Plot Summary
The plot begins as the three apprentices are trekking back from their journey to the mountains, which they started in the previous book, Outcast, with the warriors Brook, Stormfur, Brambleclaw, Squirrelflight, Tawnypelt, Breezepaw, and Crowfeather. However, once back, tenseness grips the four clans. WindClan becomes proud, constantly trespassing onto ThunderClan territory to steal prey. Meanwhile, a mysterious loner, called Sol, has been wandering the clans territories. He, not StarClan, comes to ThunderClan and warns Jaypaw about the eclipse that will come. ThunderClan refuses to listen to him.
Firestar finally sends a patrol to talk to Onestar as the theft of prey hasn't stopped. WindClan warriors refuse their request, one even attacking Brambleclaw. Soon, the attack everyone suspects comes in the form of a late-night ambush. Lionpaw is the first cat to notice, when he gets up in the middle of the night and notices WindClan warriors stalking into the camp, ready to surprise-attack. Despite the advantage of surprise, WindClan is beaten back and is believed to have surrendered until Brambleclaw, the ThunderClan deputy, takes Lionpaw and a few warriors to check if WindClan has retreated into their territory. When they investigate, they realize WindClan split into three groups on ThunderClan territory, each one ready to ambush ThunderClan patrols and hunting parties in a different place. Quickly, Firestar divides his clan into three groups as well, sending each one out to discover and attack a group of WindClan warriors.
A huge and bloody battle then starts, with no clear winner for hours. RiverClan sends in patrols to help WindClan, while ShadowClan sends warriors to ThunderClan's aid. This is very worrying to Firestar, who says it is very bad that all four clans are fighting. [3] However, in the middle of the battle, there is an eclipse of the sun, just as Sol had warned. Many warriors are afraid, and take it as a sign from StarClan that the battle needs to cease. Squirrelflight is badly injured and nearly dies. However, the medicine cats worry about why their warrior ancestors didn't warn them about the sun or the battle before they happened. This leads to some beginning to doubt their faith in StarClan.
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Jaypaw suspects Sol, the rogue who warned the Clans of the eclipse, may have knowledge about the three cat's mystical powers, and seeks him out to talk to him. He tells them that he knows about the prophecy, and that someday the three cats will be so powerful that the clans will turn to them for guidance instead of StarClan. He adds that when this occurs, they will have the power to keep the warrior code-or destroy it. Sol then journeys to ShadowClan to meet with their leader, Blackstar. Upon hearing that Sol predicted the eclipse, he begins to think that perhaps StarClan is not as important or powerful as Sol and other living cats with mystical powers. He decides to stop living by the rules StarClan has made for the clans, such as the importance of attending gatherings every full moon. Finally, he decides to leave the lake, implying that his faith in StarClan was the only thing making him stay and suffer through the hard times in their forest. Lionpaw, Jaypaw and Hollypaw believe that they need to persuade Blackstar to come back, and that there need to be four clans in the forest. In this book, Blackstar does not act with fierce loyalty to his clan like in previous books, but falls into deep depression, and doesn't seem to care what his clan does.
At the end of Eclipse, Hollypaw and Lionpaw receive their warrior names, Hollyleaf and Lionblaze. Cinderpaw also becomes Cinderheart with them, since she was forced to become a warrior later than her siblings due to an injury. Firestar praises Hollyleaf for her thoughtfulness and intelligence, Lionblaze for his courage and skill at fighting, and Cinderheart for her determination and loyalty.
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