This first chapter in the series follows a domesticated cat named Rusty who dreams about life in the forest. Against the warnings of his friend, Smudge, Rusty ventures into the forest, where he is attacked by another cat, later identified as Graypaw. As the fight settles, Rusty is invited to join ThunderClan, one of many warring cat clans. Rusty accepts, leaving his housefolks far behind. In ThunderClan, Rusty is renamed Firepaw after a short bout between him and a young warrior, Longtail. Later on in the series, Fireheart (Firepaw who became a warrior at the end of the first book) discovers a plot by Tigerclaw (the deputy at the time) against the clan in order to take over it. Fireheart stops him, Tigerclaw is banished, and Fireheart becomes deputy. Tigerclaw, however heads to Shadowclan to become leader. He then plots his revenge against Thunderclan. So, he releases a pack of dogs on the clan, but is thworted when Bluestar kills herself to kill the dog pack's leader. Fireheart then becomes Firestar. Tigerstar then plots to take over all 4 clans, combining Shadowclan and Riverclan into "Tigerclan". When Firestar is ready to fight him with Thunderclan and Windclan in "Lionclan", Tigerstar introduces Bloodclan, a viccious band of killer cats from Twoleg place. Scourge, the leader of Bloodclan, kills Tigerstar with one blow and threatens to take over all the forest. The series draws climax when Firestar fights Scourge in the middle of the "new" Lionclan (all 4 clans together) verses Bloodclan.
Monday, January 26, 2009
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