Saturday, February 21, 2009

Warriors: Cats of the Clans: Thornclaw

Thornclaw, a handsome golden brown tabby tom, first appears in Fire and Ice as a young ThunderClan apprentice, Thornpaw. He is an apprentice for a large part of the Original Series, along with Brightpaw, Cloudpaw and Swiftpaw, mainly due to Bluestar's descent into paranoia during the last half of the Original series and her refusing to trust any of her warriors. When she died, the newly appointed Firestar conducted his first naming ceremony on Thornclaw, finally making the young tom into a warrior.

Thornclaw's personality begins to show during The New Prophecy and Power of Three, where he is shown to be a warrior very similar to Brackenfur in manner and attitude. He is an excellent fighter and is often chosen to assist in battle parties and long-range patrols. Thornclaw, like Brackenfur, becomes slightly worried about the increasing numbers of non-Clan cats present in ThunderClan during the Power of Three series, as well as at Firestar for being too accepting of them. This is primarily due to increasing hostility from the other three Clans, who begin to make claims that ThunderClan is becoming diluted and weak. Despite these feelings, Thornclaw is always portrayed as a kind, caring, and patient cat and has never been shown to be disloyal.

Thornclaw's mother is Frostfur, his direct sister is Brightheart, and his other siblings, Brackenfur and Cinderpelt, are from a different litter. As a result, Thornclaw is uncle to both Brightheart's and Brackenfur's kits, including Whitewing, Cinderheart, Honeyfern, Poppyfrost, and Molepaw. He was apprenticed by Mousefur and has mentored Sootfur, Shrewpaw, and Poppyfrost himself.

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